Toloba Assana Kassir
Conseiller d'Entreprises
Genre : Homme
Pays : Cameroun - Garoua
Quartier ou adresse : Clinique Southia
Email :, Téléphone : 00237693693627
ASSANA KASSIR TOLOBA is a young development facilitator, Enterprise Counsellor, Peace Builder, Social Entrepreneur, Speaker, Translator/Interpreter, Coach, Youth Ambassador for the National Civic-Education Programme for Moral, Civic and Entrepreneurial Rearmement (PRONEC-REAMORCE), Development Expert and Researcher who works actively in the field of humanitarian and development context alongside the TRANSFAGRI Programme and VIVA-BENOUE. Since 2018, he has been working across the far north region of Cameroon for NGOs, including ACEEN, ALDEPA, PADFA, PDRI-CL, Safety Net Project, Equal Access International, and the UNDP. He has interviewed over thousands of people surrounding with income generating activities such as small-scale trade, the promotion of environmental goals and gender mainstreaming, agricultural resilience, people affected by violence and conflict. Now working at the SMEPA (Small and Medium Sized Entreprises Promotion Agency), Assana is the emerge winner of YALI for Peace Advocacy Award organized by the Mandela Washington Fellows of Cameroon and its honorable partner the US Embassy Yaounde. He is a change maker and a motivator.

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Téléphone : +(1) 418 692 5727
Fax : +(1) 418 692 5644
Courriel :   

Adresse :
Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable,
200, chemin Sainte-Foy, bureau 1.40, Québec, Québec, G1R 1T3, Canada
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